What Can You Do to Whiten Your Teeth for The Holidays?

by | Dec 5, 2023 | Teeth Whitening

what can you do to whiten your teeth for the holidays

Get ready! It’s the season for social events and holiday parties, with mistletoe hanging from every tree.

Feeling up to the task with your smile? Right in time for your Christmas kisses and photos, here’s how to whiten your teeth before the holidays.

#1. Prevent additional stains

Before looking into teeth whitening procedures, prevent other stains from developing on your teeth.

To help you remove stains better, think about utilising an electric toothbrush. Avoid standard colours like red wine, black tea, coffee, and juices.

If you must indulge in hunger, brush your teeth right away to remove the pigments from your teeth and sip water from time to time to prevent staining.

#2. Refrain from smoking

When it comes to teeth discolouration, chewing tobacco and smoking rank at the top of the list.

Tobacco loses its colourlessness and starts to discolour teeth when it comes into touch with oxygen. Additionally, cigarette tar can leave behind deep stains that are challenging to eliminate.

Try to limit tobacco use or treat yourself by quitting altogether for whiter teeth. In addition to giving you whiter teeth, stopping smoking also lowers your risk of developing certain malignancies and reduces your coughing and breathlessness.

#3. Consume a lot of fruit and vegetables

Your body functions more optimally when you eat healthy foods. When you eat well, your teeth flourish because they reflect your body’s health.

When you have all the required nutrients, your body produces saliva, which removes stains and bacteria.

Healthy fruit and vegetable consumption can also help you maintain a white smile. More saliva is produced by eating foods high in vitamin C, such as apples, celery, and carrots. Saliva scrubs debris away to keep your teeth clean and dazzling for holiday photos.

#4. Maintain good oral health

Brushing your teeth white is the most crucial thing you can do to maintain them. At least two times a day, clean your teeth and floss either before or after.

Plaque and food residue should be removed to prevent stains from penetrating the enamel further. Over time, toothpaste with baking soda can assist in removing minor stains.

#5. Get professional dental assistance

If your teeth are still discoloured, make an appointment with your dentist for in-office teeth whitening. A professional teeth whitening treatment will lighten your teeth many shades in just one consultation, allowing you to see results immediately.

But if you’d prefer to whiten your teeth at home, that’s perfectly acceptable. We give an easy-to-use take-home kit that allows you to obtain the same fantastic results you get in our clinic but at home.

The procedure takes longer to finish since it whitens your teeth gradually rather than all at once.

We need to take impressions of your teeth to create a custom-fit teeth whitening tray before sending you home with a kit. Apply the whitening gel to the trays at home and sleep in them for two weeks or until you attain your ideal shade.

Brighten Your Smile with Teeth Whitening in Cabramatta

Christmas parties and social gatherings take place during the holiday season. But you might feel uncomfortable being seen out if you have discoloured, yellow teeth.

More so when the camera is turned on. This holiday season will glitter more if you maintain your smile’s whiteness.

Visit your Cabramatta dentist immediately to guarantee you will have a beautiful smile in time for Christmas!

At Cabramatta Dental Care, we take a gentle and meticulous approach to looking after our patients.

To know more about our teeth whitening in Cabramatta, call (02) 9755 5300 or make an appointment online.

We are located at 47 Arthur St in Cabramatta.

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