Dental X-rays

Bringing the Insides Out!

dental x-rays cabramatta

Dental X-rays Cabramatta

Dental X-rays are digital photos of your teeth that your dentist in Cabramatta uses to examine your teeth and evaluate your oral health in general.

The inside of your teeth and gums are photographed using modest doses of radiation. This makes it easier for your Cabramatta dentist to identify oral issues like cavities, tooth decay, and impacted teeth.

Dental X-rays are a routine procedure that is just as important as tooth cleanings despite their complexity.

Importance of Dental X-rays

Annual dental X-rays are typical. If your dentist keeps an eye on the development of an ongoing dental issue or operation, it might be performed more frequently.

The following variables may affect how frequently you get dental X-rays taken:

  • age
  • the present state of oral health
  • any indications of an oral illness
  • a history of cavities or periodontal disease

Common Types of X-rays

common types of x-rays cabramatta

There are three different “intraoral” X-rays in general. Every type has a use for itself.

Bitewing X-rays

Bitewing X-rays, which are evenly distributed between the upper and lower jaws, enable your dentist to find signs of dental decay and bone loss in the crown and sub-gum regions of your teeth. Generally speaking, bitewing X-rays show the backsides of the upper and lower jaws

Periapical X-rays

Periodontal work, endodontic therapy, and root canal procedures frequently begin with periapical X-rays. These are utilised to research the root architecture of teeth thoroughly. They might be able to identify the cause of nerve discomfort and look for impacted or extra teeth below the gum line.

Occlusal X-rays

This particular kind of X-ray is utilised to examine the upper and lower jaw’s skeletal systems. Occlusal X-rays may be able to find signs of tumours, bone loss, and salivary duct obstructions.

Preparation for Dental X-rays

There aren’t any special preparations needed for dental X-rays. For the benefit of professionals working inside your mouth, brush your teeth before your X-ray session. X-rays are typically taken before cleanings.

You’ll sit in a chair at Cabramatta Dental Care with an apron covering your chest. Your head is aligned with the X-ray machine, so images of your mouth and teeth may be captured.

You will be led through each stage of the process by your dental hygienist. While the pictures are being shot and recorded, keep still.

Spacers will be moved and adjusted inside your mouth to get the right shots.

After Dental X-rays

Your dentist will examine your X-rays in Cabramatta and look for any anomalies. They’ll review your treatment choices if difficulties are discovered, like cavities or gum disease.

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Dental X-rays in Cabramatta

Cabramatta Dental Care offers a wide range of dental procedures to help you maintain oral health and avoid dental problems, including dental X-rays.

Visit your Cabramatta dentist today!

For dental X-rays in Cabramatta, call (02) 9755 5300 or book your appointment online.

We are located at 47 Arthur St in Cabramatta.


Why do I need to undergo dental X-rays?

Dental X-rays are an essential component of a comprehensive oral hygiene routine. Depending on your age and risk of tooth decay, your dentist may recommend dental X-rays. Follow your dentist’s advice to ensure you take advantage of every opportunity to detect and treat tooth decay before it becomes a significant issue. You will save time, money, and discomfort if you spot the problem early.

Why are there different types of X-rays?

Each type has different applications and advantages. To get a thorough picture of your oral health, you may need to get many types of X-rays.

Are dental X-rays safe?

Dental X-rays are completely safe! While they expose you to low radiation levels, the adverse effects are similarly low. You can request additional protection, such as a lead apron to protect your abdomen or a lead collar from covering your thyroid.