Oral Cancer Examination

Oral Cancer Screening Tests from Your Cabramatta Dentist

oral cancer examination cabramatta

Oral Cancer Examination Cabramatta

An oral cancer examination is a procedure conducted by your Cabramatta dentist to check your mouth for signs of cancer or precancerous diseases.

Its primary purpose is to identify oral cancer early when there is a better possibility of a cure.

Most dentists will examine your mouth during your dental visit, including screening for oral cancer.

Some dentists may include tests to aid in the detection of abnormal cells in your mouth.

Purpose of Oral Cancer Examination

Oral cancer examinations are primarily intended to find oral cancer early on when it is easiest to treat and most likely to recover, and precancerous lesions that could develop into mouth cancer.

Oral cancer risk factors include the following:

  • Using snuff, chewing tobacco, cigarettes, cigars, pipes, and other tobacco products.
  • Heavy alcohol consumption.
  • Diagnosis of mouth cancer in the past
  • Significant sun exposure in the past raised the risk of lip cancer.
  • Find out if an oral cancer examination is suitable for you by consulting your Cabramatta dentist. By asking this question, check out what you can do to reduce your chances of developing mouth cancer.


oral cancer examination limitations cabramatta

There are some limitations on oral exams for oral cancer screening, including:

  • Oral cancer screening may lead to additional tests. Many people develop non-cancerous sores in their mouths.An oral exam cannot distinguish between malignant and non-cancerous tumours.
  • If your Cabramatta dentist finds an unusual sore, you may be subjected to additional tests to establish the cause.
  • The only method to find out if you have mouth cancer is to remove some abnormal cells and examine them in a process known as a biopsy.
  • Oral cancer screening cannot detect all types of oral cancer. It can be challenging to spot patches of abnormal cells simply by glancing at your mouth; thus, small cancer or precancerous lesion may go undetected.

Preparation for Oral Cancer Examination

No special preparation is required for oral cancer screening. An oral cancer examination is typically done during a dental appointment with your Cabramatta dentist.

what you can expect oral cancer examination cabramatta

What you can expect

Your Cabramatta dentist examines the inside of your mouth during the oral cancer examination to search for any red or white areas. Your dentist examines you using gloved hands to look for lumps or other anomalies.

Your dentist or physician may ask you to remove any detachable complete or partial dentures you may be wearing so that the tissue beneath can be examined.

Additional Tests for Oral Cancer Examination

Oral cancer screening tests may include:

  • Before an exam, wash your mouth with a specific blue dye. Your mouth’s abnormal cells may discolour and seem blue.
  • Illuminating your mouth with light. The light causes healthy tissues to look dark and lesions to appear white.


The following suggestions might be made if your dentist notices early indications of mouth cancer or precancerous lesions:

  • A few weeks later, a check-up is recommended to see if the odd spot is still there and if it has altered or gotten more prominent.
  • Undergoing a biopsy to check for the presence of cancer cells. Your dentist may carry out the biopsy in Cabramatta, or you may be sent to a physician specialising in diagnosing and managing oral cancer.

Oral Cancer Examination in Cabramatta

An oral exam for oral cancer is more than just a routine physical; it’s a chance for a patient to discuss worries and fears with the dentist and get advice on lowering their risk.

At Cabramatta Dental Care, we take a gentle and meticulous approach to looking after our patients.

Visit your Cabramatta dentist today!

For oral cancer examination in Cabramatta, contact (02) 9755 5300 or make your appointment online.

We are located at 47 Arthur St in Cabramatta.


Where does oral cancer occur?

Oral cancers typically develop in the tongue and mouth floor, although they can also develop in the upper or lower jaw, lips, gums, or cheek lining.

What causes oral cancer?

The two primary risk factors for oral cancer are alcohol consumption and tobacco. Both are risk factors in and of themselves, but those who use both run considerably higher risks.