How Root Canals Rescue Teeth from Pain and Infection

by | May 28, 2024 | Root Canal

how root canals rescue teeth from pain and infection

Have you ever had an unbearable toothache that wakes you at night or grows even worse? Then, you would understand how desperate one can get to relieve the pain.

The offender usually has a root canal infection, performed by microbes living in a cavity that can only be accessed through a dental instrument.

Root canal: a dental treatment that has emerged as a saviour for many who suffer from severe toothache and infection.

While a root canal may sound frightening and painful, it is a routine procedure that can help save your tooth and sense of well-being.

Understanding Tooth Anatomy

Before understanding how necessary root canals are, let’s review the general structure of a tooth.

Enamel: The stiff, external layer that forms the outer cover of the inner layers.

Dentin: Another layer below the enamel; they strengthen the enamel and contain nerve fibres.

Pulp: The tooth’s pulp contains blood vessels, nerves, and connective tissue. Also known as the cementum, this is the growing portion of the tooth.

It is usually associated with deep decay, multiple dental treatments, or cracks in the tooth.

The pulp can become infected or inflamed, causing sharp pain and potentially forming an abscess.

The virus can spread and cause additional health problems. This is where root canal therapy comes into play.

What is a Root Canal?

A root canal is a dental surgery designed to treat an infection in the core of a tooth, known as the pulp.

To stop further infection, it involves removing the diseased or damaged pulp, cleaning and sanitising the tooth carefully, and then sealing and filling it.

The Root Canal Procedure: Step-by-Step

Z Diagnosis and Preparation

  • X-rays will be taken to check the infected areas and determine the number of root canals present.
  • Anaesthesia: You will be injected with a local anaesthetic to block sensation in the area where the surgery will take place.
  • Isolation: A dental dam isolates the tooth and keeps it dry during the procedure.

Z Access Opening

  • Your Cabramatta dentist will use a drill to make an opening on top of the tooth to reach the contaminated pulp.

Z Cleaning and Shaping

  • Using different tools, Your Cabramatta will remove the infected pulp and shape the root canals.
  • The canals are then shaped to make them ready for filling.

Z Filling

  • The cleaned and shaped canals are filled with a biocompatible material, usually gutta-percha, a rubber-like substance.
  • The canals are fully sealed using an adhesive seal.

Z Restoration

  • A filling or crown is used to repair a tooth after a root canal, giving it protection and structural support.

Why Root Canals Are Necessary

Z Pain Relief

The first obvious advantage of a root canal is the relief of pain. If the pulp becomes infected, pressure and inflammation form, which might lead to severe pain.

Since the infected pulp is removed, that source of pain is also removed.

Z Infection Control

An infected tooth can also cause an abscess, a pocket of pus that develops at the tips of the roots.

This may result in inflammation, bone resorption at the root’s apex, and excruciating pain.

If left untreated, the infection may spread to other parts of the body and result in more severe health problems.

Eliminating the illness and preventing its spread are the two main objectives of a root canal.

Z Tooth Preservation

Another essential root canal treatment objective is maintaining the natural tooth.

Missing a tooth can affect chewing, the way your teeth are aligned, and the overall health of your mouth. It may also impact how your smile looks.

Root canal treatment also maintains the structural integrity of the bone that supports the tooth and the neighbouring teeth.

Benefits of Root Canal Therapy

Despite its fearsome reputation, root canal therapy offers several significant benefits:

  1. Pain Relief: The primary goal is to relieve the severe pain caused by an infected pulp.
  2. Infection Control: Root canal treatment prevents infections from spreading to neighbouring teeth and parts of the mouth by eliminating the contaminated tissue.
  3. Tooth Preservation: Root canals save the natural tooth, which is always preferable to extraction and replacement with artificial alternatives.
  4. Improved Oral Health: Preserving the natural tooth helps maintain the jawbone’s integrity and overall dental structure.

Aftercare and Recovery

Post-root canal care is crucial for ensuring the procedure’s success and maintaining oral health.

Here are some aftercare tips:

  • Oral Hygiene: To avoid more infections, keep up your normal brushing and flossing schedule.
  • Avoid Hard Foods: Refrain from chewing hard foods until the permanent restoration is placed.
  • Follow-Up Appointments: Attend follow-up visits to monitor the healing process and ensure the tooth is restored correctly.
  • Pain Management: Use over-the-counter pain relievers if necessary, but severe pain should be reported to the dentist immediately.

Root canals are vital in modern dentistry. They rescue teeth from pain and infection and allow patients to smile naturally.

Despite their notorious reputation, advancements in dental technology and anaesthesia have made root canals relatively painless and highly effective.

By understanding the importance of this procedure, patients can approach root canal therapy with confidence and appreciation for the relief and restoration it provides.

Root Canal Treatments in Cabramatta

Don’t ignore tooth pain or discomfort. If you’re experiencing symptoms like persistent toothaches, sensitivity to hot or cold, or swelling around the tooth, it’s time to consult a dentist.

Remember, early intervention with root canal treatments can save your natural teeth and prevent additional dental problems.

At Cabramatta Dental Care, we treat our patients with care and gentleness.

Call (02) 9755 5300 or schedule an appointment online.

Visit us at 47 Arthur St in Cabramatta.